Monday, July 20, 2009

Loan Modification programs may work for unemployed

REALTOR® Magazine-Daily News-Unemployed Might Get Anti-Foreclosure Help: "The Obama administration is reportedly considering a program that would give loan forbearance to the unemployed. The aim of the program is to provide help without distorting the housing market.

The program would augment the federal loan modification program, giving unemployed workers more time and financial leeway to qualify for a new loan.

So far the loan modification program hasn’t been very successful for a variety of reasons, including the declining equity many troubled borrowers have in their homes and rising unemployment figures that make lenders unwilling to participate."

I will believe this one when I see it. So far almost all these initiatives have been good for the lenders and not the borrowers. This one might be useful for the temporarily unemployed.

I suspect it will still have some sort of taxpayer payout to the lenders.

loan modification programs

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