Monday, June 11, 2007

Most Resilient U.S. Real Estate Markets - Yahoo! Real Estate

do not know if i believe them but this author says the bottom is in in in places like Seattle and Charlotte and is just about in the Tampa. Market.

Also claims San Diego is may be O.K. if it can whether the correction.

The author astutely points out the inventory overhang is a critical factor.

My research and experience show that the old real estate saw is correct.

under 9 mos give a take a month or so you have a sellers market. Over 9-10 mos you have a balance market and over 10 months of inventory you have a buyers market. As you get higher inventory you get declining prices.

Sure so this in the Sarasota Bradenton market.

We went from two months inventory to 10 mos inventory in about 2-3 mos. When the market brook we saw housing pouring onto the market. Which was sure sign of investor supply.

Most Resilient U.S. Real Estate Markets - Yahoo! Real Estate

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